Институт влагалища.

Не в сети
Последнее посещение: 17 лет 22 недели назад
Сообщения: 1748

(для тех у кого есть вопросы)
не знаю куда постить ,скорее всего правильно
Кто не хочет долго искать ...взято с сайта
Смотрим чем занимаються 31-летние девушки в Австралии... А вроде взрослые должны быть уже Особенно последняя фраза меня порадовала "He He". Т.е. в переводе с автралийского "все-таки очень смешно"
Sexual orientation=Lesbian
Embarrassing Moment:
I once inserted an apple in to myself, and no matter what I tried, I could not get it back out. I eventually had to get my girlfriend to come home from work to help me. She managed to get it out by using a knife to cut the skin away at the top of the apple, and then scooped it out bit by bit with a spoon.
Another time I was playing "fruit salad" with the same girlfriend - it is where we insert cherries, grapes and other SMALL fruit as a bit of foreplay, and then it is sucked out of you one at a time - it came about as a result of the apple incident. Anyway, my girl had slid at least two dozen grapes in to me when the phone rang and there was a knock at the door.
I answered the phone, and it was for Suse - my girl - so I handed it to her, grabbed my bath robe, put it on, and headed for the door, opened it, and it was a florist - female - with a delivery. The florist handed me the flowers, which I had a smell of - first mistake, as I was slightly allergic to pollen - and then the florist said that they had to be signed for, but said she did not have a pen, so I had to go looking for one, and I could feel the grapes starting to slip out of me - second mistake.
Walking very slowly, I found a pen, came back, grabbed the the paperwork and went to sign as the first grape began to slide out of me and I stopped short, started to cross my legs and then started to sneeze, not once, not twice, but three times, and on the third sneeze, about ten grapes shot out of me and landed on the floorboards between my feet with little thuds.
I looked at the florist, the florist was looking at the grapes, then she looked at me, smiled, and said that I should try marshmallows sometime. I signed, handed the paperwork back to her and slammed the door shut. Picked up the flowers, went back to the bedroom, to tell Suse what had happened, and when I did, she started laughing, until tears were flowing down her cheeks. Needless to say, the next night, Suse and I managed to "consume" a couple of packets of marshmallows, before eating them the proper way. He. He.

Не в сети
Последнее посещение: 19 лет 15 недель назад
Сообщения: 305

Хуйней дэвачки страдают, лучше бы на панель пошли, если ощущений острых хочется!

Не в сети
Последнее посещение: 17 лет 28 недель назад
Сообщения: 1352

Я тут на русском еле розговариваю блин!

Не в сети
Последнее посещение: 17 лет 22 недели назад
Сообщения: 1748

дык это же Австралия

Не в сети
Последнее посещение: 21 год 2 недели назад
Сообщения: 191

наоборот правильно делают что не на панели)...
надо бут попробовать fruit salad

wr forgives u fo bein none

Не в сети
Последнее посещение: 19 лет 15 недель назад
Сообщения: 305
gist,Aug 3 2005, 18:00 написал:
наоборот правильно делают что не на панели)...

ты прав я погорячился, пусть лучше дома побалдеют, поизвращаются...